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2020, Vol.54, No.2

A Study on the Implementation of Eco-friendly Green IT-based Libraries
Younghee Noh | 2020, 54(2) | pp.5~28 | number of Cited : 0
Citizens’ Needs and Perceptions of their Municipal Public Library Services
Kim Sun Ae , Nahyun Kwon | 2020, 54(2) | pp.29~52 | number of Cited : 11
A Study on Developing the Key Factors of the Oral Collection in National Representative Library
Yeon Kyoung Chung ORD ID , LEE JAEYOUNG | 2020, 54(2) | pp.53~77 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on User’s Perception Survey for the Validity of Establishment of a Public Libraries: Focused on Sasanggu in Busan
KANG EUN YEONG | 2020, 54(2) | pp.79~104 | number of Cited : 7
The Influence Factors on the Numbers of Visitors and Reference Room Users of Public Libraries: Based on the National Libraries Statistical Data 2018
Kyeong-Jin Lee | 2020, 54(2) | pp.105~125 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Identity and Development Direction of Korean Library and Information Science: to Cope with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Decline in School Age Population
Rosa Chang , Younghee Noh | 2020, 54(2) | pp.127~154 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the Research Support Services of the University Library based on the Research Life Cycle
Oh Sunhye , Kwak, Seung-Jin | 2020, 54(2) | pp.155~178 | number of Cited : 7
Medical Librarians’ Contribution to SR Searching
Shin, Eun-Ja | 2020, 54(2) | pp.179~195 | number of Cited : 2
Analyzing the Intellectual Structure of School Library Researches with Citation-Weighted Author Profiling
Lee, Jae Yun | 2020, 54(2) | pp.197~223 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Construction of Bibliographic Items of DLS
Yaejee Kim , Seungmin Lee | 2020, 54(2) | pp.225~246 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Sustainability of Library Service in the Situation of Infectious Diseases​
Kim, Sungwon | 2020, 54(2) | pp.247~267 | number of Cited : 20
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis on University Members’ Information Needs and Behaviors
Yoonkyung Min , GIYEONG KIM , Jeeyeon Lee and 6 other persons | 2020, 54(2) | pp.269~297 | number of Cited : 3
The Influence of Elementary School Students’ Peer-relationship Network Characteristics on the Reading Competencies
Eun-Jung Lee , Ji-Hong Park | 2020, 54(2) | pp.299~322 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Establishment and Management of a Library for Older Adults
Lim Seong Kwan | 2020, 54(2) | pp.323~348 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Analysis of Educational Content and Curriculum of UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy
Park Joo-hyeon | 2020, 54(2) | pp.349~374 | number of Cited : 10
Analysis of Utilization Status and Preference Factors of Reading Room in University Library based on User Log Data: Focusing on the Case of “J” University
Eun-Jeong Son , Park, Tae-yeon , Hyo-Jung Oh | 2020, 54(2) | pp.375~398 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis of Relative Importance on Evaluation Elements of Library Discovery
Kim, Seonghee | 2020, 54(2) | pp.399~417 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on Designing Metadata Standard for Building AI Training Dataset of Landmark Images
Kim, Jinmook | 2020, 54(2) | pp.419~434 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Publication and Composition of JujaDaejeon Anthologies in the Joseon dynasty
Choi, Kyung Hun | 2020, 54(2) | pp.435~455 | number of Cited : 6