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2013, Vol.19, No.1

A Study on the Significant of Number Seven in Lev 26:14-33
Choi Jong-Won | 2013, 19(1) | pp.12~42 | number of Cited : 3
Eli, Enemy of a Temple!
Kim Koo Won | 2013, 19(1) | pp.43~69 | number of Cited : 0
David’s Holiness: Examined in His Exile to the Temple in Noph(1Sam 21:1-9[2-10]; Cf. 1Sam. 22:6-23)
Han, Dong-Gu | 2013, 19(1) | pp.70~94 | number of Cited : 1
King David’s Politics of Reconciling Northern Israel with Southern Judah and His Political Strategy for National Unification
Hae Kwon Kim | 2013, 19(1) | pp.95~132 | number of Cited : 7
Searching for the Strange Woman: Re-envisioning the Good/Evil Dichotomy through Reading Female Figures in the Song of Songs and Proverbs
Park, Ji-Eun | 2013, 19(1) | pp.157~182 | number of Cited : 3
Qoheleth’s ‘New Wisdom’ Viewed Through a Lens of ‘Zhongyong’
Myung Soo Suh | 2013, 19(1) | pp.183~207 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the Triadic Structure of the MT of the Book of the Twelve and the Literary and Theological Function of the Book of Jonah within it
Cheol-Woo Park | 2013, 19(1) | pp.208~237 | number of Cited : 3