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2017, Vol.23, No.1

Holiness and Jusice in Isaiah 56-66
Kim, Rae Yong | 2017, 23(1) | pp.11~40 | number of Cited : 3
The Reconsideration of the Macro-structure of the Book of Numbers
Jae Gu Kim | 2017, 23(1) | pp.41~73 | number of Cited : 2
Interpretation on Eccl 10:1 and his today’s Messages: Social Crisis and Wisdom
Minsu Oh | 2017, 23(1) | pp.74~102 | number of Cited : 3
Old Testament Studies of Korea: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Sung Yul Kang | 2017, 23(1) | pp.104~138 | number of Cited : 3
Gottesbild Hiobs - Unter dem Aspekt von der Frage-und-Antwort-Struktur -
Chol-Gu Kang | 2017, 23(1) | pp.139~164 | number of Cited : 13
A Function of Opinion Formation in Women's Victory Songs
Yoon Kyung Lee | 2017, 23(1) | pp.165~189 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the Relationship between the Laws of Hammurabi and Proverbs 8 based on the Divine Council
Jong-Keun Lee | 2017, 23(1) | pp.190~233 | number of Cited : 6