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2006, Vol.16, No.4

An analysis of the relation between minister and senior civil servants in Korea
Kim Seong Soo | 2006, 16(4) | pp.1~22 | number of Cited : 7
Establishing the administrative reorganization criteria in the perspective of the organizational effectiveness
Bang,Seok-Hyun , Park, Sauk-Hee , 김연숙 | 2006, 16(4) | pp.23~43 | number of Cited : 12
A Theoretical Reconstruction of Administrative Innovation Phenomena of Local Government Officials with Grounded Theory.
Sun Phil Kwon | 2006, 16(4) | pp.45~67 | number of Cited : 28
A Case Study on Development of BSC for Government Departments and Its Implications: Focused on Critical Review
KIM Cheolhoi , Manhyung Cho , Yonghoon Kim | 2006, 16(4) | pp.69~88 | number of Cited : 66
An analysis on the transfer of supervision authority of a government-funded entity from the perspective of rational choice of bureaucratic structure.
HA TAE SOO | 2006, 16(4) | pp.89~116 | number of Cited : 1
A Preliminary Study of Index Development on Local Government's Innovative Capacity
Soonchang So | 2006, 16(4) | pp.117~138 | number of Cited : 26
The Analysis on social welfare financial policies by local government in Korea: focusing on the case study of Kyeonggi-do
박미옥 | 2006, 16(4) | pp.139~164 | number of Cited : 9
Training Needs Analysis for Manpower Development in Local Government
Cho, Seonil | 2006, 16(4) | pp.165~187 | number of Cited : 8
A Critical Review on Introduction of Local Police System in the Participatory Government: Focusing on Survey Results
Song Keon-Sup , Taejong Lee , LeeSeungChul | 2006, 16(4) | pp.189~209 | number of Cited : 4
Promoting the Application of the Cultural Archetype Digital Contents in Animation Industries
Yim, Haksoon | 2006, 16(4) | pp.211~231 | number of Cited : 5
Bridging the Digital Divide in Korea
Park, Young Mi | 2006, 16(4) | pp.233~247 | number of Cited : 1