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2012, Vol.23, No.1

The Amount of Information and the Level of Satisfaction among Users of Community Service Innovation: Focusing on Early Intervention Services for Children with ADHD
Kim, Eunjeong | 2012, 23(1) | pp.1~23 | number of Cited : 8
Improving Subsidy and Tax Deduction Policies for Social Enterprise: With a Focus on the Differences in Tax Deductible Donations in Korea and Japan
Nemoto Masatsugu , Ji-hyun Cheung | 2012, 23(1) | pp.25~53 | number of Cited : 15
An Exploratory Study on Recognition Comparison of the Fairness of the Public Support in the Arts and Culture
Sehun Kim , Seo Sun-Bok | 2012, 23(1) | pp.55~76 | number of Cited : 18
An Exploratory Study of Priorities for Culture and Arts Education Policy: With a Focus on In-depth Interviews and the Analytic Hierarchy Process of Policy Actors for Culture and Arts Education in Schools
Hong Sungman , LIM, CHAE HONG , Ha, Mincheol | 2012, 23(1) | pp.77~105 | number of Cited : 12
Changes and Continuities in the European Capitals of Culture Program: Focusing on the Goal Ambiguity-Conflict Matrix
김인오 , Koo, Min Gyo | 2012, 23(1) | pp.107~141 | number of Cited : 3
Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Multicultural Education Manpower Training Project: An Application of SERVQUAL and IPA
Ju, Hyo-Jin , Cho Joo Yeon | 2012, 23(1) | pp.143~166 | number of Cited : 17
Cyber Education and Satisfaction: The case of COTI
Park, sun-ok , Geunjoo Lee | 2012, 23(1) | pp.167~182 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on Explanatory Factors for Increases in Public Sector Spending: With Special Focus on Baumol's Unbalanced Growth Model
최웅선 , Lee,Yongmo | 2012, 23(1) | pp.183~205 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Improvements in the Financing of Foreigners' Policies: With a Focus on the Introduction of Funds
Jeon, Joo Sang | 2012, 23(1) | pp.207~231 | number of Cited : 2
The Effects of Integration on Employee Job Satisfaction and Alienation in the Wake of Public Organization Mergers: An Empirical Study
YOON , Lee Geon | 2012, 23(1) | pp.233~262 | number of Cited : 8
Determinants of Changing Employees' Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Organizational Merger: Individual and Social Factors
Lee, Chang kil | 2012, 23(1) | pp.263~285 | number of Cited : 10
Study on the Agenda Setting of Lottery Policy
Hyejung Moon | 2012, 23(1) | pp.287~316 | number of Cited : 14
A Study on Decision Determinants in the National Assembly
Kwon eun sil , LEE YOUNG HWAN | 2012, 23(1) | pp.317~341 | number of Cited : 16