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2017, Vol.28, No.2

A Study on the Influential Factors on Senior Officer's Morale Based on Herzberg's Theory
강창희 , Yonghoon Kim | 2017, 28(2) | pp.1~27 | number of Cited : 7
Government Performance on Citizen Participation: Considering Trust in Government as a Moderating Variable
김민혜 , Lee, SeungJong | 2017, 28(2) | pp.29~54 | number of Cited : 19
The Preliminary Study on the Personnel Management of the Affiliated Organizations to Central Departments: Case Analyses of Circulating Personnel Practices
Hyoung Sung Kim , CHO, KYUNG HO | 2017, 28(2) | pp.55~82 | number of Cited : 1
What Made the Social Conflicts Related the Policy Nuri Program Finance?: Based on IAD Policy Analysis Framework
KIM Cheolhoi | 2017, 28(2) | pp.83~110 | number of Cited : 6
The 21st Century Green Revolution, An Analysis on the 6th Industrialization Policy Case Studies in South Korea and Japan
Park Mee-ouk | 2017, 28(2) | pp.111~144 | number of Cited : 8
Organization Change Management for Successful Government Reorganization: The Moderating Roles of Organizational Trust
Son Sun Hwa , Yong Suk Jang | 2017, 28(2) | pp.145~169 | number of Cited : 6
An Empirical Study on the Refusal Cases of Central Government’ Authorities Transfer to Local Government: Focus on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Yang, Young Chul | 2017, 28(2) | pp.171~194 | number of Cited : 3
Individual Factors Versus Organizational Factors: Determinants of Performance in an Internship Program for Korean Traditional Music Majors
이미애 , Chung-Lae Cho | 2017, 28(2) | pp.195~216 | number of Cited : 0
Examining the Policymaking Process of Kim Young-ran Act: Using the Combined Model of ACF and MS
정기덕 , Jung Ju Ho , Min Jung Kim and 1 other persons | 2017, 28(2) | pp.217~245 | number of Cited : 20