Korean military has developed and been managed in a rational way being comparable with developed countries, breaking from insolvent convention in the early stage. However, it still raises doubts that how much Korean military has been improved in terms of intangible strength behind quantum leap of concrete strength. Especially, morale of military is a will that one does not keep compensation in mind but sacrifices oneself and accomplishes their duty based on sense of duty, pride and an invincible spirit. It is different from morale of society so it is important to research politic plan for maximizing morale.
Also, the study was proceeded on the basis of 'Herzberg two factors theory', the very theory that explains human desire the best, to find out the relationship between the theory and defined military morale factors through this study.
Therefore, 14 factors have been independent variables including achievement, responsibility, acknowledgment, stability of job, welfare level, payment level, personal relationship within workplace among motivator・hygiene factor through precedent researches and then pride and self-respect have been dependent variables for analyzing effects of independent variables on dependent variables, analyzing moderating effects with demographic factors including parent service, commission classification and class.
This study has been conducted through the survey of 327 senior officers and statical analysis has been done through SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. Path analysis utilizing multiple regression analysis and structural equation model and multigroup analysis have been conducted.
As a result, the movtivator had a positive influence on morale of senior officers and hygiene factor, on the other hand, had no influence. Following examination of multiple regression analyss represented that not only motivator but also hygiene factor provided an influence on the morale, however the influnece was tenuous. The thesis of this study was clearly proven, Herzberg two-factor theory was proven through the influential relationships between motivator, hygiene factor and morale.
According to this, it has been proved that Herzberg's hypothesis 'the motivator has much more influences on senior officer's morale than hygiene factor does' to be applied to morale of senior officers.