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Aims & Scope more

The Society of Korean Literature is an academic research organisation that was founded for the purpose of research related to Korean classical literature. It is aimed towards comprehensive research that encompasses adjacent subject areas such as modern literature and history. Korean literature played a large role in sustaining the Korean national spirit and enhancing its capabilities when the country was stripped of its sovereignty during the Japanese colonial era. Research related to classical literature, which preserves the cultural and historical traditions of Korea, was central to this. This is supported by early writings such as Jo Yun Je’s 'Korean Literary History' and Lee Byong Ki’s 'Whole History of Korean Literature'. Our academic association has kept the title ‘The Society of Korean Literature’ to uphold the dignity and critical perspective of these early researchers. However, it also strives to overcome the problems that arise from the separation, or differentiation, of classical literature research and modern literature research under the title ‘The Society of Korean Literature’, from a classical literature researcher’s perspective.  The Society of Korean Literature has held a total of 90 academic conferences since its establishment in June 1983. In July 1997, it published the first issue of its academic journal, ‘Journal of Korean Literature’; this journal continues to be published biannually, once at the end of May and once at the end of November. In addition to a current total of 42 journals, The Society of Korean Literature has also published 11 research books. Through these publications, while living up to the purpose of its foundation by retaining primary focus on classical literature, the association also embodies its aim of conducting research that both investigates the connection between classical literature and modern literature and explores the present-day significance of classical literature.    

Editor-in-Chief more

Lee, Jong-mook

(Seoul National University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.62
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.46
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 1.25
  • Immediacy Index : 0.3571

Current Issue : 2024, Vol., No.50 more

Reviewal of Samseolgy Version “Nocheonyeo-ga” in Non-disabled Societies
Lee, Kyungha | 2024, (50) | pp.5~30 | number of Cited : 1
Aspects and Meaning of the Foolish Wife Character Types in the Series of Myeongju Bowolbing -Focusing on ‘Yeon princess’ and ‘Yeon Hui-byeok’-
Inseon YOO | 2024, (50) | pp.31~54 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Different Versions and Narrative Features of Jin Gil Jeon
Chae Yun-mi | 2024, (50) | pp.55~90 | number of Cited : 0

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