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2011, Vol.8, No.1

The Effects of Elementary School Teachers' Functional Perfectionist Tendency on Their Burnout with Mediating Effects of Teacher Efficacy
김미라 , LEE Jeeyon , 이인숙 | 2011, 8(1) | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 35
Exploration and Validation of High School Students' Achievement Strategies for Examinations
Lyu Jeong Hee , Shin Hyeonsook | 2011, 8(1) | pp.17~41 | number of Cited : 3
A Meta-Analysis of youth leadership related variables: focus on implication of leadership selection by admission officer system
Yee Jee Kim , Ki-Hak Lee | 2011, 8(1) | pp.43~59 | number of Cited : 10
Content Analysis about Life-Culture for Elementary School Students utilizing Storytelling Game: Talking, Feeling, Doing Game
Jin Heei Park , YOO MEE SOOK | 2011, 8(1) | pp.61~78 | number of Cited : 2
Current Trends and Issues in Non-medication Interventions to Address the Academic Impairment of Children and Adolescents with ADHD
Yunhee Kim , Seo, Su-Gyun | 2011, 8(1) | pp.79~110 | number of Cited : 9