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2015, Vol.12, No.2

The Mediating Effects of Peer Victimization and Rejection Sensitivity on the Relationship between Negative Parenting Styles and Depression
남가희 , HONG SANG HWANG | 2015, 12(2) | pp.111~134 | number of Cited : 26
Structural Relationship among Achievement Goals, Achievement Emotion, and Academic Engagement: Differences in Teachers' Autonomy Supports
Jeong-Keun Kim , LEE EUN JU | 2015, 12(2) | pp.135~157 | number of Cited : 33
A study on Problems and Improvement of Suicide Crisis Interventions: Counselor Focus Group Interview centered
Kwon Hoin , 김소라 , 윤경선 | 2015, 12(2) | pp.159~175 | number of Cited : 17
Development and Validation of the Korean School Engagement Scale for Middle School Students
Shin Hyeonsook , Yum, Sichang | 2015, 12(2) | pp.177~202 | number of Cited : 11
Potential Biasing Factors of Self-Reports of Participant Roles in School Bullying: Respondent- and Context-related Variables
최문영 , Dong-Hyung Lee | 2015, 12(2) | pp.203~224 | number of Cited : 5
The longitudinal relationship among autonomy, competence, and parental support in adolescence
Choi, Hyunju , Cho, Soohyun , Jiwon KIM | 2015, 12(2) | pp.225~248 | number of Cited : 8
Relationships between Compromise Types of Preferred University and Major and College Adjustment
KimJi Geun , 이지원 , Ki-Hak Lee | 2015, 12(2) | pp.249~269 | number of Cited : 27