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The Aspect of Causative Derivation

  • Korean Semantics
  • 2008, 25(), pp.99-126
  • Publisher : The Society Of Korean Semantics
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature

오충연 1




Korean drived causative verbs have processive and telictity. Drived caustive verbs, therefore, lexically have telicity. It is the same aspectual type as an accomplishment verb that has an argument as a telic index. The causee functions as a telic index in a sentence of a causative verb. A base verb can't be derived, unless it has a caussee as a telic index after derived, because of their original aspectual structure. In this paper, it is verified by resultative aspect of causee. Therefore, it is suggested that the aspectual structure of a causative verb's sentence is different from a syntactical causative.

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