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Towards a New Understanding of Maritime Exchange in Ancient Korea: with Focus on Theoretical Implications

  • Journal of Humanities, Seoul National University
  • 2018, 75(2), pp.143-183
  • DOI : 10.17326/jhsnu.75.2.201805.143
  • Publisher : Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University
  • Research Area : Humanities > Other Humanities
  • Received : April 8, 2018
  • Accepted : May 2, 2018
  • Published : May 31, 2018

Ilhong Ko 1




Studies on maritime exchange in ancient Korea must also take into account the exchange networks that structured maritime exchange, as well as the human practices that reproduced those networks. In other to do so, Renfrew’s ‘modes of exchange’ were examined in order to examine the various dynamics that are involved in such networks. In addition, the ways in which these ‘modes of exchange’ may appear when applied to the seas were considered using case studies from the Mediterranean region. It was found that ‘down-the-line-trade’ and ‘port of trade’ models were particularly useful when dealing with the issue of maritime exchange in ancient Korea. Examination was also carried out on landing points, a topic that has not been discussed fully in Korean archaeology. Tartaron’s definitions of ‘anchorage’, ‘harbour’, and ‘port’ were introduced as a useful method of bringing to light the diverse nature of such landing points. Finally, the theoretical and empirical implications obtained through these examinations were used to reconsider the nature of the ‘international trading port’ on Neukdo Island and of the sites found along the southwestern and southern coastal regions were goods that arrived via maritime trade have been found. It was argued that the same types of foreign artifacts found at the two different sites represented two different modes of maritime exchange.

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