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2016, Vol.76, No.

Improvement of Mortgage Loan regulation - With legal issues of the LTV/DTI and protection plans for loan consumer -
Lee,Heon-Seok | 2016, 76 | pp.1~23 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Promotion of Urban Regeneration Program - Focusing on the experiences in the operation of Jeonju testbed project -
Jang Kyo-Sik | 2016, 76 | pp.25~44 | number of Cited : 7
The affordable housing policy and regulatory takings in the U.S.
JEONG, HA MYOUNG | 2016, 76 | pp.45~60 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Securing the Adequacy of the Property Right restricted by the Management Planning
LEE SANG HOON , Seok,Ho-Young | 2016, 76 | pp.61~82 | number of Cited : 9
Forschung auf Verbesserung des Festsetzungssystems von dem Gebiet der Investitionsförderung im Cheju
Seung Joo Baig | 2016, 76 | pp.83~108 | number of Cited : 7
Die steuerrechtliche Behandlung beim Genehmigungssystem über die Geschäftsverkehr des Grundstücks
Muyoal Kim | 2016, 76 | pp.109~130 | number of Cited : 0
A study on the legal character and the primary tax right of collection of development contribution - in relation to the judgment of the South Korean Constitutional Court of 30 June 2016 -
Shin, Jung-Gyu | 2016, 76 | pp.131~156 | number of Cited : 12
Study on legal issues and improvement of the agricultural system - Emphasis on problems of a diversion of farmland -
Ryu Ji Woong | 2016, 76 | pp.157~182 | number of Cited : 8
A study on comparing of law term on difference of legal cultures with korea and us - as a road traffic law -
WON JUNG KIM | 2016, 76 | pp.183~197 | number of Cited : 3
Legal Issues about Decedent’s Online Digital Asset
KIM, MIN HO | 2016, 76 | pp.199~218 | number of Cited : 3
A study on information disclosure subject of Public institution
Jeong Hoe Gun | 2016, 76 | pp.219~238 | number of Cited : 0
A review on the transition administrative penalty to administrative order punishment
Ko Heon Hwan | 2016, 76 | pp.239~260 | number of Cited : 18
A Legal and Institutional Study on the Prevention of Preschool Child Abuse in the Child Welfare Act
seon eun ae | 2016, 76 | pp.261~282 | number of Cited : 8
Comparative legal review of domestic and overseas donation systems
BAE, BYUNG HO , 양은영 | 2016, 76 | pp.283~310 | number of Cited : 3
Study on the Conflict and Harmony between Personal Information Protection System and “the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act” - Focused on the provision of the report and restriction on the outside lecture, etc. -
Kim HyunKyung | 2016, 76 | pp.311~336 | number of Cited : 1
A study on the Funeral Law - On the basis of Act on Funeral Services, etc. -
Lee, Dong-Chan | 2016, 76 | pp.337~357 | number of Cited : 2
Constitutional Study on National Security and the Act on Reporting and Use of Certain Financial Transaction Information
Kim, Sang-Kyum , 변승현 | 2016, 76 | pp.357~376 | number of Cited : 0