This study analyzed the regional identity of Cheongyang-gun in terms of components like as territorial shape, symbolic shape and institutionalization using various regional attribute. This study analyzed the regional identity of Cheongyang-gun on the basis of viewpoints of new regional geography that the region is constructed socially by the formation process of regional identity like as territorial shape, symbolic shape and institutionalization. This study selected Cheongyang-gun as the case region on the basis of judgement that the study on regional identity of traditional rural region is urgent. Cheongyang-gun has the original prototype of traditional rural region because of lagged urbanization and industrialization, central location in Chungcheongnam-do and high mountain landform. Besides, this study analyzed recent changes and tasks of regional identity of Cheongyang-gun. The results of this study are as follows: Firstly, concerning the regional identity of Cheongyang-gun the territorial shape appears in regional attributes like as the location and the territory of Cheongyang-gun. The symbolic shape appears in regional attributes like as history, place name origin, various regional image, county office administration slogan and symbol, and the regional attributes like as regional image, county office administration slogan and symbol are connected with the territorial shape partially and overall. The institutionalization aspect appears in the form of monument, museum, landscape, cult, performance, slogan, symbolic sculpture, song, charter and so on. The subjective role of institutionalization aspect is performed by county office, museum, commercial functional establishment, agricultural producer, social organization, and so on. Secondly, concerning the recent change and the task of Cheongyang-gun, the recent change appears in the form of subjugation of wildness and backwardness, and the task appears in the form of subjugation of the historical separation sense between the west of mountain region and the east of mountain region.