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2017, Vol.6, No.2

A Study on Utilization of Resource Dispute Problem in the Caspian Sea in Geography Education
KIM HAN SEUNG , Choi Jae Young | 2017, 6(2) | pp.101~112 | number of Cited : 4
The Analysis of the Content Related to Dokdo in New Geography Textbook of North Korea Revised in 2013
Saangkyun Yi , Choi, Hee , Eun-Jin Lim | 2017, 6(2) | pp.113~125 | number of Cited : 5
Development of the Geo-storytelling about the Geographical Center of the Korea
Chang-Hwan Kim , Jeong HaeYong | 2017, 6(2) | pp.127~147 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Relationships between Weather Condition and Voter Turnout in Korea
Shin Won Jeong | 2017, 6(2) | pp.149~163 | number of Cited : 1
Analysis of the Possibility for Drought Detection of Spring Season Using SPI and NDVI
Dongwoo Kim , Park, Jongchul , JANG DONG HO | 2017, 6(2) | pp.165~174 | number of Cited : 9
The Status of Demarcation Line on Baekdusan Area’s Maps and its Historical Origins
Chong Uk Ahn , Kim Myungjung | 2017, 6(2) | pp.175~194 | number of Cited : 2
The Legal Formation of the Red-Light Districts and their Locational Characteristics during the Early Colonial Times of Korea
Jong-Geun Kim | 2017, 6(2) | pp.195~213 | number of Cited : 4
The Study on Regional Identity of Cheongyang-gun
Wonhoe Choi | 2017, 6(2) | pp.215~253 | number of Cited : 10
The Need for Place Marketing Based on Multi-Layered Place Identity of Myeong-dong after Hanhanryeong
Hye-jin Sung | 2017, 6(2) | pp.255~274 | number of Cited : 4
Cause on Relatively Low Growth of Jeonju City: Focus on Comparison with Kwangju and Daejeon Metropolitan City
Cho Sung Wook | 2017, 6(2) | pp.275~289 | number of Cited : 4
Optimal Routing of Free Shuttle Bus to Enhance the Travel Convenience for the Elderly: A Case of Gwanak-gu, Seoul
Changwoo Jeon , Lee, Gunhak | 2017, 6(2) | pp.291~304 | number of Cited : 7