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2021, Vol.45, No.8

Estimation of the Response Size to the Immersive Content of Virtual Tourism Using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC)
In Mook Choi , CHON SIHYUN | 2021, 45(8) | pp.9~31 | number of Cited : 3
Effective Online Hotel Reputation Management Strategies of TripAdvisor
Hwang, Soo-Jung , Juyeon Ham , CHUNG NAMHO | 2021, 45(8) | pp.33~56 | number of Cited : 1
A Phenomenological Study on Online Convention Service Quality: Experiences from a Sample of Korean MICE Workers
Cho, Young-Chul , Lee, Byeong Cheol | 2021, 45(8) | pp.57~79 | number of Cited : 11
The Structural Relationships between Fandom Activities, Social Support and Meaning in Life: The Case of ‘Tomorrow is Mr. Trot’ Fandom among Korean New Middle-aged Women
SUNG EUNHYE , LEE, HAH AH REUM , SO YOUNG BAE | 2021, 45(8) | pp.81~104 | number of Cited : 11
Understanding Decision-making Process of Travel with Pet Dogs Using the Model of Goal Directed Behavior(MGB)
Chang Do young | 2021, 45(8) | pp.105~124 | number of Cited : 4
Effect of Hotel Customers’ Reservation Channel Selection Attributes on their Behavior Intention
Moon HeeWon , Byun, Jae-mun | 2021, 45(8) | pp.125~147 | number of Cited : 1
Effect of Camping Tourists’ Site Choice Attributes on their Emotional Responses and Behavioral Intention: Moderating Effect of Gender Differences
Park, Jung-Hyun , Kim, Nam Jo | 2021, 45(8) | pp.149~172 | number of Cited : 13
Structural Relations between Wellness Tourists’ Motivation, Satisfaction and Behavior Intention: A Case of Healing Forest Visitors in Seogwipo
Koh, Mi Young , Yang, Sung Soo | 2021, 45(8) | pp.173~188 | number of Cited : 25