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Effect of Sense of Calling on Knowledge Pursuance, Customer Orientation, and Service Quality Efficacy of Frontline Employees in Hotels

  • Journal of Tourism Sciences
  • Abbr : JTS
  • 2014, 38(4), pp.37-54
  • Publisher : The Tourism Sciences Society Of Korea
  • Research Area : Social Science > Tourism

Lee, Kyoung-Joo 1




People even in the same organization endow different meaning on their work and occupation. Although meaning of work may have significant implications on individual performance and organizational outcomes, little research has been done to evaluate its impact in hotels. The goal of this paper is to analyze an effect of frontline employees’ sense of calling on their work attitude and self-confidence on performance. Employees with a sense of calling understand that work is inseparable from their life. They not only pursue self-actualization and self-fulfillment through the work they perform, but they also think that their work can contribute to the public and society. Based on a survey of 357 employees of 12 super-deluxe hotels in Seoul, this study suggests that the sense of calling has a positive and significant effect on service providers’ attitude of knowledge pursuance, customer orientation, and service quality efficacy. This research emphasizes the significance of 'work meaning' that employees embrace, while providing a theoretical base for further research regarding a sense of calling and its effect on individual performance.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.