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2013, Vol., No.109

Patrilineal Expressions on Epitaph of High Priests during the Final Period of Silla and the Beginning of Koryǒ and Their Perception of Lineage
Park Yun Jin | 2013, (109) | pp.1~40 | number of Cited : 4
The Coup of Gang Jo and The Emergence of Jungdaeseong(中臺省, Palace Secretariat) in the Early Period of the Goryeo Dynasty
KIM BO KWANG | 2013, (109) | pp.41~84 | number of Cited : 15
Establishment and Operation of Trade System with Ming in Early Joseon Dynasty
Doyoung Koo | 2013, (109) | pp.85~140 | number of Cited : 17
Identity, Civilization, and Politics in Late Chosŏn Korea - The Case of Hong Manjong and Im Sangdŏk -
Lee Jeong-il | 2013, (109) | pp.141~185 | number of Cited : 3
The development of Farm encouragement policy and Silhak(實學) in late Joseon Dynasty
Yoon Oh Choi | 2013, (109) | pp.187~231 | number of Cited : 5
The Sa-Daebu Families’ Joint Petition and Drawing Collective Consensus in the late Joseon dynasty
Kim,Kyeongsook | 2013, (109) | pp.233~266 | number of Cited : 5