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2018, Vol., No.129

Ito Togai’s Compliation of Sankankiryaku and Study about Chosŏn
Daejae Park | 2018, (129) | pp.7~60 | number of Cited : 6
The Description of Ancient History and the Recognition of the Relations between Korea and Japan in Samhangiryak(Sankankiryaku)
CHONG SOONIL | 2018, (129) | pp.61~105 | number of Cited : 5
Primary Analysis on the Accounts on Goryeo Dynasty(918~1392) in Sankankiryaku(三韓紀畧, Brief History of Korea) by Ito Togai(1670~1736)
LEE Miji | 2018, (129) | pp.107~152 | number of Cited : 2
Informations related to the Joseon dynasty in the Sankakilyak and their sources
Huh Taeyong | 2018, (129) | pp.153~194 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the foreign relations between Old Joseon and Qin
WonChin Cho | 2018, (129) | pp.197~236 | number of Cited : 12
Characters of Hwando Seong and Guknae Seong, and Composition of a Royal City Space in the Area of Jian
Ki, Kyoung-ryang | 2018, (129) | pp.237~290 | number of Cited : 11
The reconstruction of transport routes to JianzhouJurchen during the Imjinwaeran from the Analysis of Jianzhougichengtuji
PARK JUNG MN | 2018, (129) | pp.291~330 | number of Cited : 5
Study on Concept of Equality in Korean Newspapers during the Port Opening Era
Jung, Jomg-won | 2018, (129) | pp.331~382 | number of Cited : 8