During the Imjin War, the Joseon army's losing streak was caused by Japanese troops occupying both Hanyang(漢陽) and Pyongyang(平壤). The Japanese forces, which had pushed Pyugyang to press king Sŏnjo(宣祖) fled to Uiju(義州), were forced to make tactical changes due to community-centered Army raised in the cause of justice(義兵) in the rear. Based on these previous research results, this article examines the development process of the Re-seizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle(永川城收復戰鬪) and the military historical features of the Imjin War. This paper examines the development process of the Re-seizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle in the early stages of the Imjin War as Joseon, Japanese, and volunteer soldiers from the standpoint of the battle that re-seizured Yeongcheonseong(永川城戰鬪), unlike terms such as Yeongcheon Battle(永川戰鬪) and to summarize the military history of the battle. In addition, we will look at how the Re-seizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle was recognized, evaluated and utilized in the future from the Imjin War perspective.
After the outbreak of the Imjin War, the Japanese troops in the Yeongcheon region advanced north, leaving some part of troops behind. Army raised in the cause of justice in the Yeongcheon region joined the army raised in the cause of justice in the surrounding regions to form Changuijeongyong-army(倡義精勇軍) and continued fighting with the Japanese army. Army raised in the cause of justice were rarely associated with each other to reflect local characteristics. Even if the army raised in the cause of justice were united, they could not fight efficiently due to the disruption of the command system. Nevertheless, Changuijeongyong- army, which joined the Reseizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle, united and prepared for battle to overcome regional turmoil and overcome the crisis. In response to the outbreak of the military service in Yeongcheon, in response to the rising from the surrounding area, various military veterans participated and agreed to the era of ousting Japanese troops without regard for mutual interests. In addition, an army leader(義兵將) with excellent military capabilities successfully commanded Changuijeongyong- army, which successfully ran a siege warfare , the most difficult battle of pre-modern times.
The Re-seizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle is a battle fought against the best Japanese troops by allied army raised in the cause of justice, not regular troops, and army raised in the cause of justice with little military equipment . It was a battle that defeated a Japanese army, and a battle that defeated the Siege warfare, which was possible only with the overwhelming strength and experience of a poor soldier, raised in the cause of justice.
When the Japanese defeated the Reseizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle, they lost the main strategic military route in Gyeongsang-do(慶尙道) and retreated to Gyeongju(慶州). The Reseizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle was later the most important reason why Joseon demanded the Ming Dynasty. In other words, the Reseizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle was a very important battle not only in terms of war and combat history, but also in terms of military diplomacy. In conclusion, the Changuijeongyong- army in Yeongcheon was the best Army raised in the cause of justice in the early days of the war, and the Reseizure Battle of Yeongcheon-castle won the most difficult battle of Siege warfare against the elite Japanese army armed with a fowling piece by the poor Changuijeongyong-army with limited military equipments. The battle was a turning point that greatly changed the overall situation of the war.
This battle was of great military and diplomatic significance, leading to the involvement of Ming Dynasty’s armed forces in Imjin War, and it was the best feature of the Imjin war as an international war.