This study identified the relationship between stress and burnout that affects turnover intention of daycare center operators in the process of childcare and operation, and analyzed the role of burnout in the correlation between stress and turnover factors in Child Care Center Directors.
The research results are as follows. First, the higher the stress of the Child care center director, the higher the burnout. In particular, among the stresses, the director confirmed that the higher the stress on faculty management and administrative and financial management, the higher the burnout. Second, the higher the burnout of the director of the Child care center, the higher the turnover intention. Third, it was confirmed that the higher the stress of the Child care center director, the higher the turnover intention. Fourth, as a result of verifying the mediating effect presented in this study, it can be said that burnout has a mediating effect in the correlation between stress and turnover intention, and since the direct effect of stress on turnover intention is not significant, this mediating effect is completely mediating. can be said.
In conclusion, it was confirmed that preventing job burnout is the most important issue for managing stress, which is the most important factor for turnover of Child care center Directors. Therefore, it can be said that stress and burnout have a significant correlation among job factors of childcare center directors.