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2017, Vol.24, No.3

Study on German Wahl-O-Mat: Voting Advice Applications as Political Knowledge Platform
Chang, Hyeyoung , Kim, Joo Hee | 2017, 24(3) | pp.5~37 | number of Cited : 3
Trend of Buddhist Students in Japan from the Colonial Joseon: Focused on Joseon Students Who Studied and Propagated Buddhism in Japan from ‘Joseon Buddhist Association’
Jumsuk Je | 2017, 24(3) | pp.39~69 | number of Cited : 0
Problems and Improvement of the Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) Program: Focusing on the Saemaul Undong
JANG Jun-Young | 2017, 24(3) | pp.71~103 | number of Cited : 5
Can the WTO Curb Protectionism? Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism, and the WTO
Don Moon | 2017, 24(3) | pp.105~136 | number of Cited : 1
China’s Perception and Behavior toward the International Order as a Rising Power
Yoo, Heebok | 2017, 24(3) | pp.137~174 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on Switzerland Aid to North Korea
PARK SO HYE , Park, Ji youn | 2017, 24(3) | pp.175~196 | number of Cited : 8