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2011, Vol.11, No.6

Awareness and practice of dental caries prevention according to concerns and recognition for offspring’s oral health
이지영 , 조평규 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.1005~1016 | number of Cited : 7
A Survey on dental patients’awareness and periodontal care behavior in periodontal disease
전지현 , Tae-Yong Lee , 민희홍 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.1009~1017 | number of Cited : 10
A study on eating habits of the elderly to senior citizens’centers in section area
박성숙 , 장계원 , 조미숙 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.1018~1029 | number of Cited : 3
Nutritional status of Korean elderly by oral health level - based on 2009 national health and nutrition survey data
김철신 , Bo-Mi, Shin , 배수명 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.833~841 | number of Cited : 25
Perceived oral malodor and need for dental care among visitors receiving dental prophylaxis
정미경 , 장계원 , 강용주 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.843~852 | number of Cited : 6
Self-report symptoms for temporo- mandibular disorder and related factors in the high school third grade students
조명숙 , 이승주 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.853~862 | number of Cited : 10
The effect of satisfaction of dental esthetics on life quality related to oral health(OHIP-14)
박은미 , 유소연 , 장종화 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.863~870 | number of Cited : 16
Adults’concern for oral health and subjective oral health symptoms
이선미 , 김선경 , 강부월 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.871~880 | number of Cited : 16
A study on toothbrushing habits depending in some of middle school students
Cho, Mi-Sook , 이은경 , 강용주 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.881~891 | number of Cited : 7
Dental hygiene freshmen satisfaction with their major and its influence perception of occupational consciousness
진혜정 , 김혜영 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.893~900 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on dental hygiene and nursing students’perception and attitudes about medical market opening
오혜승 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.899~909 | number of Cited : 2
A research of stresses caused by extramural practices by hospital
Jang Sung Yeon , 권순복 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.913~922 | number of Cited : 2
Association between oral health status and oral health impact profile(OHIP-14) among the community elderlies
안권숙 , 신미아 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.923~938 | number of Cited : 33
A Study on the relationship of dental hygienist job awareness and view of college courses amongs some dental hygiene students
황미영 , 원복연 , 신명숙 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.939~949 | number of Cited : 8
The effects of behavior of preventive treatment on job satisfaction in dental hygienist
소미현 , 김선숙 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.951~959 | number of Cited : 13
The effect of need of oral health management to oral health impact profile among elderly over 65 years
박정란 , 김혜진 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.961~971 | number of Cited : 22
A study on the preschool children dental health awareness and behavior of the educators at the nurseries and kindergartens in Chungnam region
이지원 , 정의정 , Na Hee Ja | 2011, 11(6) | pp.967~977 | number of Cited : 10
Relevant on oral health, oral health beliefs and practices of dental care in some elementary students
You-Sun Jung , 김수경 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.985~992 | number of Cited : 10
A study of current infection control by dental hygienists and related factors
박정희 , 허남숙 , 송혜정 | 2011, 11(6) | pp.986~996 | number of Cited : 21