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2005, Vol., No.13

On the Korean-Japanese Reading of Ancient Chinese e-medials in Chinese Caracters
김정빈 | 2005, (13) | pp.13~27 | number of Cited : 1
A study on the Use of Auxiliary Verbs that is "Aru" and "Oku"
남득현 | 2005, (13) | pp.29~42 | number of Cited : 0
The trace of Chinese Study in Meiji
Na Gong Su | 2005, (13) | pp.43~63 | number of Cited : 3
Resultative Construction and Its Extension in Japanese
村尾治彦 | 2005, (13) | pp.65~78 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the polysemy of Japanese verb 'deru' from the viewpoint of cognitive semantics
양경모 | 2005, (13) | pp.79~94 | number of Cited : 1
The Acceptance and Absorption of Loan Words in East Asian Cultures (1)
Lee,Mi-Suk | 2005, (13) | pp.95~112 | number of Cited : 4
The study about Interrogative Adverb in the 'Chepphaesineo'
이종희 | 2005, (13) | pp.113~127 | number of Cited : 1
On the Translation in Cheoppeshineo (PartⅡ)
임창규 | 2005, (13) | pp.129~140 | number of Cited : 3
Communication function of 'ne' 'yo' 'yone'-on the fefusal discourse
임현수 | 2005, (13) | pp.141~163 | number of Cited : 1
Current state and tasks of analysis on the error in Japanese learning: in case of some theses for M.A.
Cho, Nam sung | 2005, (13) | pp.165~185 | number of Cited : 3