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The effect of Web-based Expert System Based Adaptive Living Skills Curriculum-Community Living Skills in students with mental retardation

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2008, 9(1), pp.65-82
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

Eunhee Paik 1 김은영 1




This study aimed to investigate the effect of Web-Based Adaptive Living Skills Curriculum-Community Living Skills (ALSC-CLS) in students with severe mental retardation. 61 students in areas of Seoul, Kyongki, and Chungnam participanted in this study: 30 students in the experimental group were taught curriculums in ALSC-CLS, whereas 31 students in the control group were taught the government-recommended usual curriculum for 12 weeks. The effect of ALSC-CLS was measured by K-SIB-R (Korean Scale of Independence Behavior-Revised). K-SIB-R score was taken two times: before and after the application of ALSC-CLS. ANCOVA analysis revealed that the effect of ALSC-CLS was highlighted in the four sub scales of K-SIB-R such as social interaction, comprehension, personal self-care, home-community orientation. However, there were no gender differences across all the four sub-scales whereas there were developmental differences in both subscales of comprehension and home-community orientation.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.