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Science interventions for Students with Learning Difficulties: A Research Synthesis

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2010, 11(1), pp.147-175
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

Kim, Ae-Hwa 1 박현 1




The purpose of this study is to systematically synthesize findings of science intervention studies for students with learning difficulties. An extensive search process yielded a total 50 intervention studies. Synthesis indicates that “text-based intervention”is most researched domain, followed by “guided/ supported inquiry intervention”, “activities-based intervention”, “others”, and “cooperative learning.”A majority of studies reported positive effects of interventions on student’s science learning achievement. Based on the results, research-based instruction with empirical evidences includes text-based instruction and guided inquiry instruction with coaching.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.