/ 2015
/ 장애인평생교육 관련 선행연구 고찰
/ 장애인고등교육연구
: 21~41
/ 2016
/ 서울특별시 발달장애인 평생교육센터 운영에 관한 부모의 요구
/ 장애인평생교육·복지연구
: 37~64
/ 2015
/ 장애성인 평생교육기관의 문해교육 교육과정 운영실태 및 교사의인식연구
/ 장애인고등교육연구
: 165~183
/ 2017
/ 발달장애인 평생교육센터 운영 현황 및 발전 방안-서울특별시를 중심으로-
/ 장애인평생교육 복지연구
: 31~64
/ 2001
/ 공동생활가정에 거주하는 성인 정신지체인을 위한 자기시간 계획하기교수의 효과
/ 언어청각장애연구
: 235~266
/ 2016
/ 발달장애인 평생교육에 참여한 복지관 종사자의 프로그램 운영경험에 관한 질적 연구
/ 장애인평생교육·복지연구
: 127~154
Azrin, N. H.
/ 1982
/ Treatment of self-injury by a reinforcement plus interruption procedure
/ Analysis & Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
: 105~113
Bachman, J. E.
/ 1988
/ Reducing inappropriate behaviors of developmentally disabled adults using antecedent aerobic dance exercises
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 73~83
Baumeister, A. A.
/ 1984
/ Deceleration of self-injurious and stereotypic responding by exercise
/ Applied Research in Mental Retardation
: 385~393
Chan, J. M.
/ 2013
/ Teaching Leisure Skills to an Adult with Developmental Disabilities Using a Video Prompting Intervention Package
/ Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
: 412~420
Dixon, M. R.
/ 2001
/ Functional analysis and treatment of inappropriate verbal behavior
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
: 361~363
Doughty, A. H.
/ 2010
/ Teaching Abuse-Protection Skills to People with Intellectual, Disabilities : A Review of the Literature
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 331~337
Elliott, R. O. Jr.
/ 1994
/ Vigorous, aerobic exercise versus general motor training activities: Effects on maladaptive and stereotypic behaviors of adults with both autism and mental retardation
/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
: 565~576
Fox, R. A.
/ 1984
/ A streamlined weight loss program for moderately retarded adults in a sheltered workshop setting
/ Applied Research in Mental Retardation
: 69~79
Garcia-Villamisar, D. A.
/ 2010
/ Effects of a leisure programme on quality of life and stress of individuals with ASD
/ Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
: 611~619
Goh, A. E.
/ 2013
/ Video Self-Modeling : A Job Skills Intervention with Individuals with Intellectual Disability in Employment Settings
/ Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
: 103~119
Johnson, W. L.
/ 1982
/ Experimental analysis of self-injurious, stereotypic, and collateral behavior of retarded persons : Effects of overcorrection and reinforcement of alternative responding
/ Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
: 41~66
Matson, J. L.
/ 1982
/ Treating obsessive-compulsive behavior in mentally retarded adults
/ Behavior Modification
: 551~567
Matson, J. L.
/ 1990
/ A comparison of DRO to movement supression time-out and DRO with two self-injurious and aggressive mentally retarded adults
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 111~129
Mawhood, L.
/ 1999
/ The outcome of a supported employment scheme for high functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome
/ Autism
: 229~254
Nicholas, D. B.
/ 2015
/ Vocational support approaches in autism spectrum disorder : A synthesis review of the literature
/ Autism
: 235~245
Singh, N. N.
/ 2011
/ Peer with intellectual disabilities as a mindfulness-based anger and aggression management therapist
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 2690~2696
Smith, M. D.
/ 1987
/ Treatment of pica in an adult disabled by autism by differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
/ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
: 285~288
Adkins, A. D.
/ 2010
/ Using a mindfulness-based procedure in the community : Translating research to practice
/ Journal of Child Family Studies
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Ailsa, E. G.
/ 2013
/ Video Self-Modeling: A Job Skills Intervention with Individuals with Intellectual Disability in Employment Settings
/ Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
: 103~119
Allen, K. D.
/ 2010
/ Community-based vocational instruction using videotaped modeling for young adults with autism spectrum disorders performing in air-inflated mascots
/ Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
: 186~192
Anderson, M. D.
/ 1997
/ Picture activity schedules and engagement of adults with mental retardation in a group home
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 231~250
Azrin, N. H.
/ 1982
/ Treatment of self-injury by a reinforcement plus interruption procedure
/ Analysis & Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
: 105~113
Bachman, J. E.
/ 1988
/ Reducing inappropriate behaviors of developmentally disabled adults using antecedent aerobic dance exercises
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 73~83
Barker, K. L.
/ 2000
/ Differential reinforcement of other behavior in the treatment of inappropriate behavior and aggression in an adult with mental retardation at a vocational center
/ Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy
: 37~42
Baumeister, A. A.
/ 1984
/ Deceleration of self-injurious and stereotypic responding by exercise
/ Applied Research in Mental Retardation
: 385~393
Beare, P. L.
/ 2004
/ The use of a positive procedure to increase engagement on-task and decrease challenging behavior
/ Behavior Modification
: 28~44
Bennett, K.
/ 2010
/ The Effects of Covert Audio Coaching on the Job Performance of Supported Employees
/ Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
: 173~185
Bouxsien, K. J.
/ 2008
/ A comparison of general and specific instructions to promote task engagement and completion by a young man with Asperger syndrome
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
: 113~116
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/ 2010
/ Evaluation of two instruction methods to increase employment options for young adults with autism spectrum disorders
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 1223~1233
Butterworth, J.
/ 2012
/ Improving the Employment Outcomes of Job Seekers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Training and Mentoring Intervention for Employment Consultants
/ Journal of Rehabilitation
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/ 2004
/ Cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder in the context of Asperger's Syndrome: A single-subject report
/ Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
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/ 2013
/ Teaching Leisure Skills to an Adult with Developmental Disabilities Using a Video Prompting Intervention Package
/ Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
: 412~420
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/ 1979
/ The effects of sequential pictorial cues, self-recording, and praise on the job task sequencing of retarded adults
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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Dixon, M. R.
/ 2001
/ Functional analysis and treatment of inappropriate verbal behavior
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
: 361~363
Dollar, C. A.
/ 2012
/ Using simultaneous prompting to teach independent living and leisure skills to adults with severe intellectual disabilities
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 189~195
Dotson, W. H.
/ 2013
/ Teaching skills related to self-employment to adults with developmental disabilities : An analog analysis
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 2336~2350
Egemo-Helm, K. R.
/ 2007
/ An evaluation of in situ training to teach sexual abuse prevention skills to women with mental retardation
/ Behavioral Interventions
: 99~119
Elliott, R. O. Jr.
/ 1994
/ Vigorous, aerobic exercise versus general motor training activities : Effects on maladaptive and stereotypic behaviors of adults with both autism and mental retardation
/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
: 565~576
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/ 1989
/ The effects of exercise and cardiovascular fitness on stereotyped bodyrocking
/ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
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/ 1996
/ Impact of person-centered later life planning training program for older adults with mental retardation
/ Journal of Rehabilitation
: 77~83
Fox, R. A.
/ 1984
/ A streamlined weight loss program for moderately retarded adults in a sheltered workshop setting
/ Applied Research in Mental Retardation
: 69~79
Gantman, A.
/ 2012
/ Social skills training for young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders : A randomized controlled pilot study
/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
: 1094~1103
Garcia-Villamisar, D. A.
/ 2010
/ Effects of a leisure programme on quality of life and stress of individuals with ASD
/ Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
: 611~619
Garcia-Villamisar, D. A.
/ 2011
/ Social and clinical effects of a leisure program on adults with autism spectrum disorder
/ Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
: 246~253
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/ 2006
/ Systemizing empathy: teaching adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism to ecognise complex emotions using interactive multimedia
/ Development and Psychopathology
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/ 2000
/ Later-life planning:promoting knowledge of options and choice-making
/ Mental Retardation
: 395~406
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/ 2014
/ Group cognitive behavioural therapy and group recreational activity for adults with autism spectrum disorders: A preliminary randomized controlled trial
/ Autism
: 672~683
Hua, Y.
/ 2012
/ Effects of combined reading and uestion generation on reading fluency and comprehension of three young adults with autism and intellectual disability
/ Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
: 135~146
Jeffrey, M. C.
/ 2013
/ Teaching Leisure Skills to an Adult with Developmental Disabilities Using a Video Prompting Intervention Package
/ Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
: 412~420
John, B.
/ 2012
/ Improving the Employment Outcomes of Job Seekers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities : A Training and Mentoring Intervention for Employment Consultants
/ Journal of Rehabilitation
: 20~29
Johnson, W. L.
/ 1982
/ Experimental analysis of self-injurious, stereotypic, and collateral behavior of retarded persons : Effects of overcorrection and reinforcement of alternative responding
/ Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
: 41~66
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/ 2000
/ Increasing independent decision-making skills of women with mental retardation in simulated interpersonal situations of abuse
/ American Journal on Mental Retardation
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/ 2015
/ Mindfulness-based therapy in adults with an autism spectrum disorder: Do treatment effects last?
/ Mindfulness
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/ 2013
/ Increasing socialization in adults with Asperger’s syndrome
/ Psychology in the Schools
: 899~909
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/ 2001
/ Effects of DRL and DRL combined with response cost on perseverative verbal behavior on an adult with mental retardation and obsessive compulsive disorder
/ Behavioral Interventions
: 27~37
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/ 2004
/ Effects of synthetic speech output in the learning of graphic symbols of varied iconicity
/ Disability & Rehabilitation
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/ 2006
/ Enhancing job-site training of supported workers with autism: a reemphasis on simulation
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ 2008
/ Simulation training of community job skills for adults with autism : a further analysis
/ Behavior Analysis in Practice
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/ Rapid training of a community jobskill to nonvocal adults with autism : an extension of intensive teaching
/ Behavior Analysis in Practice
: 34~42
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/ 2000
/ Use of a token economy to eliminate excessive inappropriate social behavior in an adult with developmental disabilities
/ Behavioral Interventions
: 135~143
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/ 1994
/ Treatment and extended follow-up of chronic hand mouthing
/ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
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/ Augmenting simplified habit reversal in the treatment of oral-digital habits exhibited by individuals with mental retardation
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ 1998
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/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ 2012
/ Effects of video modeling on communicative social skills of college students with Asperger syndrome
/ Developmental Neurorehabilitation
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/ 1982
/ Treating obsessive-compulsive behavior in mentally retarded adults
/ Behavior Modification
: 551~567
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/ 1988
/ Contingent reinforcement and contingent restraint to treat severe aggression and self-injury in mentally retarded and autistic adults
/ Journal of the Multihandicapped Person
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/ 1990
/ A comparison of DRO to movement supression time-out and DRO with two self-injurious and aggressive mentally retarded adults
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
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/ 1999
/ The outcome of a supported employment scheme for high functioning adults with autism or asperger syndrome
/ Autism
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/ 2001
/ Functional analysis and treatment of self-injury associated with transitions
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ Health Education Journal
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/ 1996
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/ Behavioral Interventions
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/ Training and generalization of sexual abuse prevention skills for women with mental retardation
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ 1987
/ Treatment of severe self-injurious behavior by the mentally retarded using bubble helmet and differential reinforcement procedures
/ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
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/ Using a behavioral skills training package to teach conversation skills to young adults with autism spectrum disorders
/ Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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/ Improving cover‐letter writing skills of individuals with intellectual disabilities
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ 2013
/ Effecting healthy lifestyle changes in overweight and obese young adults with intellectual disability
/ American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
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/ 2000
/ Treatment of hair pulling and hair manipulation maintained by digital-tactile stimulation
/ Behavior Therapy
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/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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/ Functional analysis and treatment of verbal perseverations displayed by an adult with autism
/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ Behavioral Interventions
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/ Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
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/ 2007
/ Mindfulness training assists individuals with moderate mental retardation to maintain their community placements
/ Behaviour Modification
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/ 2011
/ Effects of a mindfulness-based smoking cessation program for an adult with mild intellectual disability
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 1180~1185
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/ 2011
/ Peer with intellectual disabilities as a mindfulness-based anger and aggression management therapist
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
: 2690~2696
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/ 2003
/ Soles of the feet : A mindfulness-based self-control intervention for aggression by an individual with mild mental retardation
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
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/ 1987
/ Treatment of pica in an adult disabled by autism by differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
/ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
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/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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/ Mindfulness-based therapy in adults with an autism spectrum disorder : A randomized controlled trial
/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
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/ Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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/ Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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/ Research in Developmental Disabilities
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/ Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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/ Research in Developmental Disabilities : A Multidisciplinary
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