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Mother tongue instruction in Sweden

  • Journal of the Scandinavian Society of Korea
  • Abbr : JSSK
  • 2018, 22(), pp.117-148
  • Publisher : The Scandinavian Society of Korea
  • Research Area : Social Science > Area Studies > North Europe(Scandinavian)
  • Received : November 29, 2018
  • Accepted : December 27, 2018

Hyeonsook Park 1




Multilingualism is now common and natural in a world-wide perspective. Multilingualism results from language contact, which in turn occurs as the result of e.g. international migration, globalization and internationalization. In 2017/2018 school year, about 27% of primary school students in Sweden were estimated to have mother tongues other than Swedish and in some large cities, 80-95% of the students belong to this group. In 2005, the Swedish government formally enacted language policy law to pursue multilingual education for balanced development of English, minority languages/immigrant languages as well as Swedish. In this paper, I examine the Swedish mother tongue instruction system for children/students with immigrant background, which has been highly evaluated since the implementation of the mother tongue reform in 1977. The purpose of the article is to make a contribution to Korean mother tongue instruction which began to perform at a small scale in recent years but showed a lot of problems.

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