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2011, Vol.18, No.1

Understanding poverty from a political sociological perspective
이주하 | 2011, 18(1) | pp.11~42 | number of Cited : 14
A Critical Review of Poverty Studies in Social Policy
KIM KYO SEONG | 2011, 18(1) | pp.43~82 | number of Cited : 16
A Look at the Need for a Paradigm Shift in Public Assistance Programs in Korea
NO, Dae-Myung | 2011, 18(1) | pp.83~117 | number of Cited : 4
Policy for elderly care and the role of voluntary organizations in UK
Ki-Nam Park | 2011, 18(1) | pp.121~145 | number of Cited : 17
A Comparative Analysis of Extended Unemployment Benefits between Korea and the USA and Its Policy Implications
Kim, Dong-Heon , Jai-Joon Hur | 2011, 18(1) | pp.147~173 | number of Cited : 1
A Discussion on National Pension Fund Management with an Alternative View to Government Pension Policy Direction
Won, Chonghyun , 주은선 | 2011, 18(1) | pp.175~207 | number of Cited : 4
The Problems and Policy Recommendation on The Support Policy for Social Enterprises in Korea
Kim Hyewon | 2011, 18(1) | pp.209~238 | number of Cited : 79
Public Services and Household Consumption Expenditure Inequality : Comparing the Education and Health Expenditure of Korea and the United Kingdom
여유진 , Sujeong Kim | 2011, 18(1) | pp.239~265 | number of Cited : 6