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2015, Vol.22, No.2

Multicultural Policy and Social Integration: The Case of Multicultural Education Policy and Its Effect on Immigrant Children’s Sense of Belonging to School
Yang Kyung-Eun , Seung-Hwan Ham | 2015, 22(2) | pp.9~31 | number of Cited : 16
A divergent convergence: welfare and gender in West and East German regions after the unification
Kyu Sung Hwang | 2015, 22(2) | pp.33~59 | number of Cited : 1
Factors to influence the family caregivers’ burden with the community-dwelling elderly under long-term care insurance system: comparison among sub-dimensions
han eun-jeong , 나영균 , Jungsuk Lee and 1 other persons | 2015, 22(2) | pp.61~96 | number of Cited : 11
Understanding the perception gap between management and LTC workers in nursing homes: the strategies for better working conditions
Jungsuk Lee , HoYong Lee , 한은정 and 2 other persons | 2015, 22(2) | pp.97~133 | number of Cited : 12
The evolution and transition of the public pension system in Korea
Yu, Hyun Kyung , KIM, Won-Sub | 2015, 22(2) | pp.135~162 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the factors of labor market participation of marriage migrant women and differences among five ethnic groups
Kim Hyun Suk | 2015, 22(2) | pp.163~193 | number of Cited : 10
Relationship among ‘Secular Giving’, ‘Religious Giving’ and Traditional ‘Mutual-aid Giving’ in Korean Households
Kang, Chulhee , 편창훈 , 오장용 | 2015, 22(2) | pp.195~226 | number of Cited : 15
Private Health Insurance Enrollment State of Married, Working Women: Effect of the Employment Status of Husband
Jae-won Kim , Kim, Cheong Seok | 2015, 22(2) | pp.227~247 | number of Cited : 5
Growth Mechanism of Private Tutoring Industries and The Spatial Impacts on the Educational Environment in the Metropolitan Seoul Area: Focused on The Interactions among Private Tutoring Industries, Educational Demand and Government Policies for Education
Sohyun Park , Lee, Keumsook | 2015, 22(2) | pp.249~281 | number of Cited : 4
A study on the impacts of the structural community contexts and sense of community on sense of safety among women
박영희 , SO-YOUNG MIN | 2015, 22(2) | pp.283~311 | number of Cited : 14
Structural Constraints of Local Government Hospitals and Governmental Responsibility
Soonim Huh | 2015, 22(2) | pp.313~341 | number of Cited : 6