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2011, Vol.12, No.1

The Role of Narrative in Biomedical Ethics
황임경 | 2011, 12(1) | pp.1~18 | number of Cited : 13
Critical Approach to Rule Centered Bioethics : focused on the integrity of the activity
kim, Soo Jung | 2011, 12(1) | pp.19~32 | number of Cited : 3
The Need of Public Discussion for the Desirable Operation of a Biobank
YI, SANG WOOK , Cho, Eunhee | 2011, 12(1) | pp.33~52 | number of Cited : 8
The Criminal Protection of Human Gamete, Embryo and Fetus
Hwang, Man Seong | 2011, 12(1) | pp.53~70 | number of Cited : 5
Critical Consideration of Neuroethics and Its Prospect
Kyungsuk Choi | 2011, 12(1) | pp.71~85 | number of Cited : 9
Discussion about the morality and legality between Bioetics and the Law
In-Young Lee | 2011, 12(1) | pp.87~109 | number of Cited : 5