For a public library, which is a regional information service agency, to acquire high competitiveness, preparation for uncertainties of future through understanding its own internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats based on assessments regarding knowledge information environment and characteristics of regional community, current status of the library, etc. Therefore, in this study, through SWOT analysis, one of competitive strategy analysis methods, the status of competitive strategy of C library was analyzed. In order to carry out the study, interview and survey were performed with professional librarians, then through final consultations from management consulting experts, a plan to strengthen competitiveness for C library was devised. Conclusions from this study were as below: In order to strengthen competitiveness of C library, offering distinguished high quality services through active cooperations with external institutions, efforts to improve library's position and stand following being selected as a library to visit for 2006 World Library and Information Congress, and revitalization of library usage through providing user oriented differentiated services are needed.