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2020, Vol., No.115

On the Usage ‘Tangsin(you)’ in Korean translation Bible and its appropriateness
Kim, Kwanghee | 2020, (115) | pp.7~41 | number of Cited : 0
Examining Self-determination motivation Across achievement bands: A Cluster Analysis Study
Hyunjin Park | 2020, (115) | pp.43~67 | number of Cited : 1
On the Syntactic Realization of the Korean Complement/Adjunct Adnominal Clause
Hyoungjin Park | 2020, (115) | pp.69~103 | number of Cited : 3
The Details and Meaning of Making 『Gunsan-leewoo-dochub』
Soojeong Hwang | 2020, (115) | pp.105~135 | number of Cited : 0
A Study of Mikhail Park’s Novel “Ants City” ― Focus on the Subject Consciousness
여하나 , Dukjoon Chung | 2020, (115) | pp.137~166 | number of Cited : 0
Comparison of ‘Oriental' and ‘pure' perception in 『The Principles of Poetry』 and 『The Critical Biography of Poetic』
LEEBYEONGJOO | 2020, (115) | pp.167~196 | number of Cited : 0
Rhetoric of ‘Pain’ in Gi Hyung-do’s Poetry -Focusing on Martha Nussbaum’s Theory of Compassion
Ji-won,Lee | 2020, (115) | pp.197~231 | number of Cited : 1
Current Status and Formal System of Hypernarratives Created in Korea
Jang Nohyun | 2020, (115) | pp.233~260 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of Cultural Intelligence Among Korean University Students -based on case of P University’s class
AHNHANNA , Lee Su-jeong | 2020, (115) | pp.261~289 | number of Cited : 3
Education of Expression as a Cognitive Process -Emphasize on writing education by each stage of cognition
ki-cheol jung | 2020, (115) | pp.291~319 | number of Cited : 0
A Lifelong Historical study on the Learning Experience of Adult Advanced-Level Korean Learners – Focused on Work-Learning Parallel Vietnamese Graduate Student
Hara Jeong | 2020, (115) | pp.321~358 | number of Cited : 2