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2014, Vol.42, No.

Nancy's Inoperative Community and Dialogical Aesthetics
Yu HyunJu | 2014, 42 | pp.3~30 | number of Cited : 5
Étude sur la possibilité de l'art plastique s'appuyé sur la notion de la région et de la solidarité
Sim Sang Yong | 2014, 42 | pp.31~64 | number of Cited : 2
Against Mortality - Reconsidering the Relationship between Image and Death in Contemporary Art
Su-Mi Kang | 2014, 42 | pp.65~96 | number of Cited : 2
An Ontological Discourse on the Placeness in Public Art and The Chulam Project
이경희 | 2014, 42 | pp.97~132 | number of Cited : 5
The Study on the Characteristics and Meanings of the Sculptures of the Pensive Figure in East Asia : The Meanings of Sitting Posture and Contemplation
SEO, NAMYOUNG | 2014, 42 | pp.135~168 | number of Cited : 2
The Convergent Art Education at Black Mountain College
Shan Lim | 2014, 42 | pp.169~202 | number of Cited : 5
Kritische Bemerkungen zu Paul de Mans Deutung von Hegels Ästehtik (I) - in Hinsicht auf den Begriff des Symbols
Jeong-Im Kwon | 2014, 42 | pp.203~252 | number of Cited : 1
‘Raphael without Hands’ and the Art of Imagination
Seung-Chol Shin | 2014, 42 | pp.253~286 | number of Cited : 6
The After-life of Classical Antiquity and the Human Rights of the Eye : Aby Warburg's Study of Manet's ‘Déjeuner sur L'herbe’
Bora Kim | 2014, 42 | pp.287~318 | number of Cited : 4
A Study into the Intermediary Utility of Faction in Art Criticism
KIM, Sung-Ho | 2014, 42 | pp.319~364 | number of Cited : 5
Study on The Process of Forming Discourse about Animation in Korea : Animation Reborn as Art through Discourse
KIM ILLIM | 2014, 42 | pp.365~408 | number of Cited : 3