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2012, Vol.21, No.6

Sampling and Cryogenic Pulverization and Storage of Environmental Samples and Improvement of Operating Procedures in National Environmental Specimen Bank
이장호 , Jong-Chun Lee , MYUNGJIN KIM and 4 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.823~839 | number of Cited : 2
Preliminary Ecological Environmental Assessments of a Brooklet in Jeungchon
JEONGHO HAN , Kwang Guk An | 2012, 21(6) | pp.841~857 | number of Cited : 1
Application of Echo-Sounder Monitoring Technique as Ecological Impact Assessments of Fish on Artificial Weir Construction
JEONGHO HAN , 이재훈 , 최지웅 and 3 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.859~877 | number of Cited : 1
Summer Patterns and Diel Variations of Fish Movements Using Fish Trap Sampling Technique in the Juksan Weir
JEONGHO HAN , 고대근 , 임병진 and 2 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.879~891 | number of Cited : 7
Noise Contour Map Designed from Validation Study of Model for Predicting Aircraft Noise
임봉빈 , 김주인 , 이규성 and 2 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.893~901 | number of Cited : 1
Landscape Management Strategies Based on Landscape Assessment of Riparian Buffer Zone in the Han River: Focused on Gyeongan Stream
Park, Chang Sug , Minki Bae | 2012, 21(6) | pp.903~916 | number of Cited : 0
Characteristics of the pollutants ronoff on the Tamjin A and B Watershed with Discharge Variation
박진환 , 임병진 , 정재운 and 4 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.917~925 | number of Cited : 6
Comparative Evaluation between Cool Roof and Green Roof in terms of Installation Cost: a Case Study of KNU Campus
Junwoo Kim , Um, Jung Sup | 2012, 21(6) | pp.927~939 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on Review of the Current Noise Impact Assessment for the Power Plant
정태량 , Park Young Min , 손진희 and 3 other persons | 2012, 21(6) | pp.941~949 | number of Cited : 1
Solid Waste Management of Nepalese Municipalities
Abinashi Sigdell , 구자건 | 2012, 21(6) | pp.951~964 | number of Cited : 0