The inner organizations of national universities are composed of educational units (colleges and graduate schools), administrative units (offices, bureaus and administrative headquarters) and attached organizations. In comparison, generally an administrative agency has subsidiary units,assisting agencies and attached organizations. However, there is no university that observes the extensive criteria of the Decree on the Establishment of National Schools. This study analyzes acts and regulations on the inner organizational units of national universities (Government Organization Act, Decree on the Organization and Staff of Administrative Organs, Decree on the Establishment of National Schools, Regulations on the Establishment and Operations of Universities and Colleges, and school regulations of national universities). The results reveal that educational units,which are actually subsidiary units, are treated as attached organizations. Meanwhile,administrative units, which are actually assisting agencies, are treated as subsidiary units.
Moreover, lots of attached organizations are treated as administrative units. This study recommends that colleges and graduate schools should be at the center of national universities.
As such, administrative headquarters should be the assisting agency of the president, and attached organizations should be run separately from administrative headquarters. Most of all, the articles concerning the range and function of each organizational unit should be determined in the Decree on the Establishment of National Schools and the Regulations on the Establishment and Operations of Universities and Colleges.