한국청소년활동연구 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.18
pISSN : 2635-9111 / eISSN : 2765-4117
pISSN : 2635-9111 / eISSN : 2765-4117
Publication fee
1) Article applicants pay the article review fee as follows.
-General article review fee: KRW 100,000 won
-Expedited article review fee: KRW 300,000 won
2) For article that has passed the review and confirmed to be published, the publication fee is paid to the above account as follows.
-Article that received research funding : KRW 300,000 won
-General article : KRW 200,000 won
-Field study: KRW 100,000 won
3) Deposit Account Information
-Registration fee and annual fee: 013011-02-117146 Post Office Bank (Deposit holder: Korea Youth Activity Research Association)
-Article review fee and publication fee: 013920-02-213704 Post Office Bank (Deposit holder: Korea Youth Activity Research Association)
4) The Number of Pages of the Article
The size of the article is based on 20 pages (based on the editorial format of this journal), and if the basic amount is exceeded, an additional 10,000 won per page is paid.