한국청소년활동연구 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.18
pISSN : 2635-9111 / eISSN : 2765-4117
pISSN : 2635-9111 / eISSN : 2765-4117
1. Journal homepage
The address of the official website of the journal is as follows.
2. Journal title
The official title of the journal is 'The Journal of Youth Activity'.
3. Ownership and operation
Korea Youth Activity Research Association holds the copyright for the final published author's articles in The Journal of Youth Activity.
4. Copyright and License
The authorship of all published materials is owned by The Journal of Youth Activity. All authors must agree to the transfer of copyright during the submission process.
5. Accessibility
The Journal of Youth Activity is available free of charge.
6. Profit Structure
The profits of the Journal of Youth Activity consist of copyright fees received from Korean Studies Information, publication fees and tutorial fees for authors, and academic journal support expenses of the National Research Foundation of Korea.