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The Archaeological Exploration of Social Time - Towards a New Perspective on the Transition to Farming Society in the Korean Bronze Age

Ilhong Ko 1




This paper considers possible ways in which the archaeological study of the ‘social time’ of past societies may take place. Focus is placed upon the notion of ‘social time’ because if it is acknowledged that ‘time is socially constructed’, then time may come to be regarded as an important element in understanding past societies. An examination of previous archaeological studies involving time reveals that the notion of ‘time as social’ was accepted as a given without further investigations into why it may be regarded as such. Therefore, the discourse on social time that was undertaken within the disciplines of anthropology and sociology is reviewed. In addition, anthropological and sociological case studies on social time are examined and used as heuristic devices in formulating a methodology for the archaeological study of social time. Finally, possible changes in time reckoning systems that may have occurred as a result of the transition from a hunter-gatherer to farming society are explored in order to demonstrate how the study of social time may contribute to the broader discourse on the transition to farming society in Bronze Age Korea.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.