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2010, Vol.34, No.4

An Examination of the Relationship between Jeju Olle Tourists' Motivation and Pre-visit Image
정철 , Roh, Kyoung-Guk , Park, Tae-Young | 2010, 34(4) | pp.13~33 | number of Cited : 57
The Moderating Effects of Hedonic & Utilitarian Value on the Marine Leisure and Tourism Activity Participation Process
Youngjin Lee | 2010, 34(4) | pp.35~59 | number of Cited : 25
The Relationship between Korean Royal Tomb Visitors' Perception of Interpretation Service and their Overall Visit Satisfaction:An Application of Alternative IPA
김미옥 , KIM MIN JOO | 2010, 34(4) | pp.61~83 | number of Cited : 12
Korean Women's Perception of Patriarchical Conflicts and Leisure Experience
Ko, Dong Woo , Sang-Jeong Moon | 2010, 34(4) | pp.85~107 | number of Cited : 15
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Kangwon Land Casino Resort on Gangwon Province and Other Regions in Korea
Lee Choong-Ki , Kangwook Lee | 2010, 34(4) | pp.109~126 | number of Cited : 34
Identifying Determinant Factors of Multiple Destination Trip Participation
Haejin Lee , Woon-Gang Song | 2010, 34(4) | pp.127~142 | number of Cited : 20
A Critical Review on the Research Trends of Tourism Destination Marketing Study in Korean Tourism Journals:A Review of Papers Published in 2000~2009 Period
song jae ho , Kim Hyangja | 2010, 34(4) | pp.143~166 | number of Cited : 36
The Relationship between Destination Attractiveness, VisitorSatisfaction and Behavioral Intention:A focus on Slow City, Cheongsan Island
한지숙 | 2010, 34(4) | pp.167~182 | number of Cited : 13
Tourism Destination Regeneration: The Case of Nami-sum(Island)
Kim, Sung-Jin | 2010, 34(4) | pp.183~202 | number of Cited : 19
Segmentation of Jeju Rural Tourism Visitors by Motivations
Park, Duk-Byeong , 문선희 , Yoon Yooshik | 2010, 34(4) | pp.203~227 | number of Cited : 24
The Function of 'Crisis Management' in a Disastrous Tourism Area: A Focus on the Motivations of ‘Taean County’ Visitors
lim jae moon , 김영미 | 2010, 34(4) | pp.229~248 | number of Cited : 6
Examining the Possibility of Sustainable Community Based Tourism:A Case of a Rural Tourism Village in Korea
Song Young-Min | 2010, 34(4) | pp.249~272 | number of Cited : 25
Exploring Tourism Contents for Tourism Leisure Cities(TLCs)
Kim Chulwon , Lee Tae Sook | 2010, 34(4) | pp.273~290 | number of Cited : 8
The Difference of Management Performance Perception among Hotel Banquet Employees: The Internal Marketing Perspective
Lim, Jieun , Kim, Kyung Sook | 2010, 34(4) | pp.291~310 | number of Cited : 9
The Configuration of Medical Tourism Information System by Analyzing Medical Tourism Service Process
KilLae Kim | 2010, 34(4) | pp.311~329 | number of Cited : 2
Understanding Conflicts in the Tourism Development: An Application of Weber's Theory of Action
구경여 , Taehong Ahn | 2010, 34(4) | pp.331~352 | number of Cited : 13