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A Study on the Self-Defense Mechanism of an Emotional Worker in the Service Industry: The Case of a Hotel Club Concierge Employer

Song Young-Min 1 Kang, Jun-soo 1


Excellent Accredited


The problem of emotional labor in the service industry has grown with the simultaneous growth of the service industry itself. It has therefore received a great deal of attention because some emotional laborers in service are not able to deal with this stress and tend to make extreme choices. The following self-defense mechanisms are present within the workplace: They are Repression of work-related stress, Suppression of one's emotions, Projection as the ‘buck-passing’ of a crisis, Escape from reality and Sublimation to improve in a positive direction. Therefore, people who work in the service sector unconsciously conceal their stress however the accumulated effects of it can surface after their work. After employees have finished dealing with a crisis at work, they tend to reveal their negative emotions and attitudes to a third person or withdraw from reality as such experiences are often repeated. However, the stress that service employees experience may not only be considered in terms of their negative aspects, but also as a positive opportunity for self-growth. In conclusion, this study provides findings concerning various psychological symptoms within the framework of Sigmund Freud's theory as well as the defense mechanisms these emotional workers experience.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.