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2013, Vol., No.58

동아법학 58호 목차
법학연구소 | 2013, (58) | pp.1~6 | number of Cited : 0
Constitution and Revolution - Civic Constitutionalism -
Seon-Taek Kim | 2013, (58) | pp.1~39 | number of Cited : 21
An Analysis on the Judicial Inclination of Justice Byung-Chae Han in the First Korean Constitutional Court
Jibong Lim | 2013, (58) | pp.41~84 | number of Cited : 12
The relationship between A political party and a local autonomy : On the scope of range and limit of party's participation to local autonomy
Lee Hye-jung | 2013, (58) | pp.85~121 | number of Cited : 8
The EU Fundamental Rights Agency(FRA): a New Surveillant of the Human Rights?
CHAE Hyung Bok | 2013, (58) | pp.123~161 | number of Cited : 4
Legal Review on the schools attached to National Teacher Education Institutes
Sehee Oh , Ha, Bong Woon , Lee Ji-Hye | 2013, (58) | pp.163~184 | number of Cited : 1
Legal Nature and Actual Signification of Report in Public law
JEONG HOON | 2013, (58) | pp.185~216 | number of Cited : 17
A Legal Study on the Compensation of Damages against Natural disasters
Jisun Ku | 2013, (58) | pp.217~245 | number of Cited : 6
Das Schutzprinzip als Geltungsbereich des Strafrechts und sein Reformvorschlag
Ji-Yun Jun | 2013, (58) | pp.247~286 | number of Cited : 6
Kausalität und objektive Zurechung des § 17 KStGB - Eine Analyse der Rechtsprechung des koreanischen höchsten Gerichtshofs -
HA TAE YOUNG | 2013, (58) | pp.287~372 | number of Cited : 16
Urteilskriterium über Versuch und Vollendung der Unterschlagung
Hyunwook Cho | 2013, (58) | pp.373~399 | number of Cited : 9
Admissibility of Attorney's Memorandum
Song, Si Seob | 2013, (58) | pp.401~422 | number of Cited : 16
Einheitliche Auslegung der Rechtssprechungen über dem Zeitpunkt des Fristbeginns der Besitzersitzung von Immobilien
BYEONG-JU JANG | 2013, (58) | pp.423~455 | number of Cited : 6
Legal status and regulation of the unincorporated association
Song Oh SiK | 2013, (58) | pp.457~508 | number of Cited : 11
Auction application by lien holders and legal theory of extinction principle
choo sin young | 2013, (58) | pp.509~539 | number of Cited : 12
The Liabilities for Tort on Natural Environment
Yoon, Taeyoung | 2013, (58) | pp.541~576 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Theory of Treatment Opportunity Loss - focusing on the debates in Japan and implications in Korea -
SONG YOUNGMIN | 2013, (58) | pp.577~601 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Legal Systems for Protecting Marriage Immigrator - Focused on the Interpretative Problems -
임영수 | 2013, (58) | pp.603~635 | number of Cited : 15
Damages under CISG(UN Convention on Contracs for the International Sale of Goods) Article 74
Gwak,Minhui | 2013, (58) | pp.637~689 | number of Cited : 13
A Study about improvement plan for efficient operation of current claim adjuster's system : in concerning legislative improvement of the Insurance Business Act
Cho, Gyu Seong | 2013, (58) | pp.691~724 | number of Cited : 4
Reflections on the author's moral rights
Kang Myung Soo | 2013, (58) | pp.725~759 | number of Cited : 13
동아법학 58호 부록
법학연구소 | 2013, (58) | pp.789~821 | number of Cited : 0