This study aims to analyze the research trends of machine translation in the field of translation studies in China, through a quantitative analysis of the publication, subjects, keywords of related articles published in key Chinese translation journals, including the Chinese Translators Journal, the Shanghai Journal of Translators, and the Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal. The results demonstrate that from the first publication in 1981 to 2020, a total of 222 machine translation studies were published in the three journals. Machine translation research in Chinese translation studies displays the following characteristics and trends: accumulation of fundamental theories and technical groundwork during about 40 years of research; a diversity of research topics including method, tools, quality, education, and translating agents; and active research on new forms of machine translation, including big data and crowdsourced translation, as well as a shift from a technological to a techno-philosophical approach. (Ewha Womans University, South Korea)