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2015, Vol.38, No.

Problems of the Volitional Evolution in the Transhumanistic Posthuman Project: With Focus on Nick Bostrom’s Works
OH YONG DEUK | 2015, 38 | pp.5~29 | number of Cited : 11
Narration, Description and Repetition in Rohinton Mistry’s Family Matters
Sorensen, Eli Park | 2015, 38 | pp.31~51 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Method of University Students’ Writing Instruction: Using Mind Maps and Discussions
Choi Yun-Hee | 2015, 38 | pp.53~75 | number of Cited : 11
An Issue of the One in the Ancient Korean Thoughts
Hwang, Gyeongsun | 2015, 38 | pp.77~102 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Morphology and Semantics of the Chinese-Character Idioms in Vietnamese: Comparing with the Chinese Idioms
LEE JEE SUN | 2015, 38 | pp.103~122 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Types of Abbreviated Chinese Vogue Words Appeared Online
Kim, Hyun-Tae | 2015, 38 | pp.123~142 | number of Cited : 2