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2020, Vol.35, No.1

The UN Airpower's Counter-land Operation and It's Results in the Early Part of the Korean War: Focused on the Operational Environment Created by the Air Superiority
Kim, In seung | 2020, 35(1) | pp.5~42 | number of Cited : 2
A Critical Review on Sanction Theory and Its Effectiveness on North Korea: Focused on Reaction of Targeted State
NaHoseon , Cha, Chang Hoon | 2020, 35(1) | pp.43~85 | number of Cited : 5
Structural Dimensions of the Sino-US Relationship: The Thucydides Trap and the Lippmann Gap
Byoung Won Min | 2020, 35(1) | pp.87~114 | number of Cited : 4
Will Japan be Transitioned to an Immigration-dependent Country? Exploring Immigration and Social Infrastructure
Kim, Seung hyun | 2020, 35(1) | pp.115~138 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of R.O.K.'s Response to the Pressure Levied by the U.S.'s Withdrawal of USFK: R.O.K’s Lobby Strategy to the U.S. Congress in the Ford Administration Era
Cho,One-Sun | 2020, 35(1) | pp.139~174 | number of Cited : 2
An Analysis on the Negotiation on North Korean Denuclearization: Focused on the Limitations of "Meeting First, Key-issue Agreement Later" Approach
Park Hwee Rhak | 2020, 35(1) | pp.175~203 | number of Cited : 0
Conditions for Reconciliation, Co-existence, and Peace: Toward a Peaceful Community in Korean Peninsular
Park Eui kyung | 2020, 35(1) | pp.205~231 | number of Cited : 1
Making Citizen-Soldier in Korea: A Failed Project or The Unfinished Project?
Gong, Jin Sung | 2020, 35(1) | pp.233~267 | number of Cited : 1
Labor-Friendly Residualism: The Tax Structure in South Korea
Sung Ho Park | 2020, 35(1) | pp.269~304 | number of Cited : 0
Rising House Price and Support for the Incumbent Party: An Analysis of 2006-2018 Korean Local Elections
Kim Ji Hye , KWON, HYEOK YONG | 2020, 35(1) | pp.305~338 | number of Cited : 5