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2018, Vol.25, No.1

The Effect of Political Contributions on Political Representation of Members of the National Assembly under Party Brands in South Korea
Young Hwan Park | 2018, 25(1) | pp.5~28 | number of Cited : 0
ODA Policy Process and Bureaucratic Politics of Korea Examined from the Perspective of Rupturing Confrontational Process
Sang Tae Kim , Han Sang-Yun | 2018, 25(1) | pp.29~60 | number of Cited : 2
Democratic Civic Education for the Encouragement of Political Participation of Immigrants in Multicultural Societies
Song, Saem , Lee Jae Mook | 2018, 25(1) | pp.61~91 | number of Cited : 11
A Study on Japanese Perception and Approach to the East Sea Rim Region after the Russo-Japanese War: Focused on Report of the Vocational Inspection Team from Niigata Prefecture(1907)
KyuSung Bae | 2018, 25(1) | pp.93~120 | number of Cited : 3
Painting of Ritual Art and Empowerment of Women: Case of Janakpur in Nepal
김경학 | 2018, 25(1) | pp.121~149 | number of Cited : 1
The Influence of Uzbekistan’s Border Structure and Political Process upon Acculturation
Yeoung-Hyeong, Lee | 2018, 25(1) | pp.151~178 | number of Cited : 0