This paper proposes a discrete logarithm algorithm that remarkably reduces the execution time of Pollard's Rho algorithm. Pollard's Rho algorithm computes congruence or collision of αaβb≡ αAβB(modp) from the initial value a=b=0 , only to derive γ from (a+bγ)=(A+Bγ),γ(B-b)=(a-A). The basic Pollard's Rho algorithm computes xi=(xi-1)2, αxi-1, βxi-1 given αaβb ≡ x (mod p) , and the general algorithm computes xi=(xi-1)2, Mxi-1, Nxi-1 for randomly selected M=αm, N=βn .This paper proposes 4-model Pollard Rho algorithm that seeks βγ=αγ, βγ=α(p-1)/2+γ and βγ-1=α(p-1)-γ) from m=n= ⌈√n⌉, (a,b)=(0,0),(1,1). The proposed algorithm has proven to improve the performance of the (0,0) ─ basic Pollard's Rho algorithm by 71.70% .