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ISSN: 1229-795X (online only) Five issues per year Languages: Korean and English Indexed in KCI Journal List The Journal of Translation Studies (JTS) is a scholarly journal published by the Korean Association for Translation Studies (KATS), the nation's largest non-profit organization for translation studies researchers. JTS covers all research related to translation and interpreting as acts of intercultural communication. All submissions are subject to rigorous review based on anonymized refereeing by three peer reviewers.  First issue of JTS (2000) History of JTS  - JTS was first published in 2000 as a biannual journal. - Since 2006, JTS has been listed in the Korea Citation Index Journal. - Between 2008 and 2011, JTS was published four times a year. - Since 2012, JTS has been published five times a year (four regular issues and one special issue).  JTS is published on the following dates: - March 31 (Spring Issue) - June 30 (Summer Issue) - September 30 (Fall Issue) - October 31 (Special Issue) - December 31 (Winter Issue) In a survey conducted in November 2012 by a national advisory committee, JTS was recognized as one of the most influential journals in South Korea. - JTS ranked 62nd in the journals surveyed (N = 5,634). - JTS was ranked in the top four humanities journals: Journal of Translation Studies, Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature, English Teaching, and The Journal of English Language and Literature. (JoongAng Ilbo, 15 January 2013) Special issue of JTS (Korean, 2018) According to the Korea Citation Index 2019, JTS ranked first in South Korea’s humanities journals (N = 584) in terms of the two-year impact factor. Two-year Impact Factor: 1.71 (Korea Citation Index 2019, 25 August 2020) All articles in JTS can be accessed for free via the following links: - http://www.kats.or.kr (Archive) - http://www.kci.go.kr - http://journal.kci.go.kr/kats First special issue of JTS (English, 2012) The article processing charge (APC): Publication fees are charged to authors to make their work available to the public.   Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): The DOIs can be seen on the first pages of the articles.  For details, see below (Korean): https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/po/search/poCitaView.kci?sereId=001499&from=sereDetail

Editor-in-Chief more

Lee, Ju-Ri-Ae

(Ewha Womans University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 1.49
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 1.32
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 2.065
  • Immediacy Index : 0.9762

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.25, No.4 more

Language of resistance: Don Mee Choi’s activist translation in Phantom Pain Wings
Ha-yun Jung | 2024, 25(4) | pp.11~43 | number of Cited : 0
Translating children’s literature for new audiences: A case study of The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly
Sukyoung An | 2024, 25(4) | pp.45~69 | number of Cited : 0
Translation strategies in the Chinese and Russian versions of Han Kang’s Chaesikjuuija(The Vegetarian): A focus on women's language
ZHENG MEISHAN | Hye-Rim Kim | 2024, 25(4) | pp.71~107 | number of Cited : 0

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