As society has more interest in reading activities, it has become possible to secure social value of libraries through the promotion of reading. In this regard, the study aimed to analyze social tasks that the libraries face and suggest concrete methods through bibliographical examination. Currently, various regions of the nation have an increasing interest in libraries, particularly, children’s libraries. The public libraries can expand their social roles by meeting these social requests. As a variety of activities by the public libraries to promote reading have helped people recognize the importance of libraries, more aggressive reading promotion activities are considered to help expand the roles of the public libraries and secure social base. Accordingly, the libraries need to take the initiative in implementing various measures by establishing a committee to adjust various reading promotion activities in the government and the public and private sectors, coming up with legal base, pursuing development of voluntary reading promotion programs, establishing an information network for reading and books, publishing book reviews, leading campaign for reading and reading promotion activities, supporting reading at home and expanding award system with regard to the promotion of reading.