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2002, Vol.9, No.9

The Differences in the Mentalities between the East and the West Evident in Dance
Malborg Kim | 2002, 9(9) | pp.27~56 | number of Cited : 0
One World of Dance
Ann Hutchinson Guest | 2002, 9(9) | pp.57~61 | number of Cited : 0
Study on the Creation Background and Content of the Consonants and Vowels Combined Notation of Dance in North Korea
성 기 숙 | 2002, 9(9) | pp.119~154 | number of Cited : 5
Study on the Basic Framework of Korean Dance (I)
Lee Mi Young | 2002, 9(9) | pp.155~174 | number of Cited : 7
The Structure of Semiotic Meaning in Dance - Focused on Choyong dance -
Jisun Lee | 2002, 9(9) | pp.175~196 | number of Cited : 5
Female and Dancing Shown in Advertisements
이 지 원 | 2002, 9(9) | pp.197~221 | number of Cited : 6
Robert Dunn's Workshop and Its Influence on Judson Dance Theater
Cho, Eun Sook | 2002, 9(9) | pp.239~260 | number of Cited : 3