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2011, Vol.34, No.

The Meaning and Significance of ‘Style’ in Contemporary Arts
홍지석 | 2011, 34 | pp.5~25 | number of Cited : 1
Historical Understanding of the Concept of ‘National Literature’
Oh Chang Eun | 2011, 34 | pp.27~56 | number of Cited : 5
Two World Pictures, Digital Techne
Sunah Kim | 2011, 34 | pp.57~77 | number of Cited : 1
樂山樂水의 山水畵 美學
Soonim Chee | 2011, 34 | pp.81~115 | number of Cited : 7
The Seeing Beauty on Platon and Plotinus
Soonah Lee | 2011, 34 | pp.119~150 | number of Cited : 1
The Meaning of Myth in Plato’s Thought
Jung-Hee Chu | 2011, 34 | pp.151~179 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on a Relevant Relation Between Arts and Nature : Focused on Aesthetic Theories of Kant, Hamann and Schiller
Sun Kyu Ha | 2011, 34 | pp.181~223 | number of Cited : 6
Nature as Melody of Merleau-Ponty
Young-Joo Yoon | 2011, 34 | pp.225~254 | number of Cited : 0
Recherche sur <Trois études pour une crucifixion> de Francis Bacon : à la lumière de la théorie de Merleau-Ponty
HAN EUI JUNG | 2011, 34 | pp.255~280 | number of Cited : 2
The Significance and Limitations of Bourriaud's “Relational Aesthetics”
김기수 | 2011, 34 | pp.281~361 | number of Cited : 22
Evolving Art : The Significance of ‘Art Project’
Joosik Min | 2011, 34 | pp.317~353 | number of Cited : 4
The Politics of Revolution and Negotiation Marcel Broodthaers's Museum of Modern Art: Department of Eagles Project
이필 | 2011, 34 | pp.355~382 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Diversity of Korean Aesthetic Consciousness and The Classification Through its Types
Lee Joo Young | 2011, 34 | pp.383~426 | number of Cited : 15
북송회화에 있어 문인화론의 역할과 의미 연구
Han Bang-im | 2011, 34 | pp.427~452 | number of Cited : 1