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2012, Vol.35, No.

Yohan Zoh's Philosophy of art and Korean Modern Aesthetics
Ihn-Bum Lee | 2012, 35 | pp.5~30 | number of Cited : 0
An Inquiry into the Philosophy of Art of Yohan Zoh from the Viewpoint of Eastern Thoughts
Joosik Min | 2012, 35 | pp.31~58 | number of Cited : 1
De la formation de la philosophie d’art chez ZOH Yohan (1926-2002) - de son interprétation sur Heidegger -
Iouseok Kim | 2012, 35 | pp.59~82 | number of Cited : 0
A Resilient Challenge toward Transcendence: Philosophical Eros and Faith - A study on Kierkegaard and Socrates -
Park, Wonbin | 2012, 35 | pp.83~113 | number of Cited : 3
Reflections on Art through the Whole - Yohan Joh's Methodology of Art History on Korean Beauty -
Mok Soohyun | 2012, 35 | pp.115~136 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Music as an Expressive Language
Suh,In-Jung | 2012, 35 | pp.139~163 | number of Cited : 0
『지두화설(指頭畵說)』에 나타난 고병(高秉)의 예술론 - 고기패(高其佩, 1660-1736)의 지두화와 관련하여 -
Song-Sig Jo | 2012, 35 | pp.167~191 | number of Cited : 2
Untersuchung zum Hegelschen Ursprung des gegenwärtigen Begriffs des Erhabenen
Jeong-Im Kwon | 2012, 35 | pp.193~235 | number of Cited : 7
Die Dialektik des Häßlichen in der Ästhetik Adornos : Eine Analyse von Ästhetische Theorie
Kim, Min-Su | 2012, 35 | pp.237~262 | number of Cited : 13